"What you think, you create. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you become." - Anonymous

Hi my name is Candace. Like many of you, I’m navigating parenting and I’m balancing my career with it but I what I’ve learned is that I can’t forget about me!

I’ve felt the pressure to be the best mom, be the best at work, best wife, and look good while doing it. Thinking of all of that is exhausting but I know I’m not alone in that thought process. As a working mom of a 3 year old who is in the mist of a career change I know that pressure can be overwhelming and it can be very easy to forget about self care. I’ve decided that its time to get back to me. I love being a mom and wife but, there was a ME before I held those titles and its important to hone in on the things that make me happy so that I can be my best self for my family. Similarly, I can only be my best at work if I feel good, so taking the time to make me a priority is necessary.

Creating this blog was a step for me to get back to me. I wanted a destination for other women to find products and services that will help them in their life journey. Maybe you need to cozy up with a new blanket and bottle of wine to relax, or you want to focus on your health, or become an entrepreneur, I’ve found some things to get you started. I won’t claim that anything I share on my blog will grant you perfection but they will definitely help you on your path to improvement. It’s time to take your life back and get back to building up and loving on yourself and it starts today!

The products and services I share with you were carefully selected and I hope you enjoy them!